Friday, July 18, 2008

Everyday news

I promised Jim I would post more ordinary news....
Mom and Dad made it back and are back into the swing of things. Duke was very happy that they came and picked him up from the kennel. Good news....half of Mom's flowers lived. Sara and I were in charge of watering them. : ) It has been very hot and humid around here. For some reason, my husband refuses to set-up the air conditioner. Jacob's stimulation test is next Wednesday. I thought it was an eight hour test, but it's only 4 hours. Thankfully, it's at Children's hospital and they have lots to keep him busy. Brandon doesn't think I post enough on here about him, so...he has a date on Saturday with a girl he's been friends with all year. They're going to a play at the high school. He was pretty relaxed last week and I'm really proud of the young man he's becoming. Tonight is Aunt Madalyn's surprise party. I'm pretty sure we're all going so it should be fun. Sorry this post is all jumbled.


Bridgett said...

Wow I was suprised to see you on the top of my favorite blogs list since you had just posted not too long ago. My list is sorted by the last updated blog. With that said.. Yikes, I can't believe Brandon is going on dates already. I know he is old enough and everything but it makes me realize how fast time goes. Thanks for the updates.

Brandon said...

Apparently I did know about this?